L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Over the Top

Over the Top

Justine Cappelle

Belgium | 2020 | 21 min
Dutch |
Subtitles: English
Jouer Trailer
The protagonist of this story has big ambitions. He wants fame, social media followers, the admiration of others… and he has an idea for how to achieve this, fast: he will leave a message for future generations at the summit of the Pyramids of Giza. After all, why be ordinary when you can go all the way to the top? This short film tackles a current trend and the stark opposition of viral and eternal. It questions clickbait” culture and the diverting, rapidly consumed content of GIFS, emojis, likes, and stories. Its compelling style gets straight to the heart of its subject, while the director teases out the seemingly limitless aspirations of new generations.
Also presented:
39th International Festival of Films on Art, Canada (2022)
Director Justine Cappelle
Editing Jasper Flikschuh
Cinematographer Van Schel Jordan

Present in these collections



Justine Cappelle

Justine Cappelle

Justine Cappelle (born in 1995,) is a female Belgian filmmaker. Her graduation film Maregrave is a portrait of the North Sea, as a collector of human decay. The movie instantly proved her talented eye for the power of documentary storytelling, not only by capturing reality but by interpreting it and giving it an innovative, humorous and literally audiovisual dimension; Literally’ because her works are often an attempt to make something physical. Maregrave was selected for IDFA, more than 10 international film festivals, and was awarded twice. Justine just finished her first film after graduation, called Over the Top, in which she plays with the volatility of modern life opposed to the eternity of the pyramids in Egypt. Meanwhile, she is also shooting her first feature-length documentary film, Rainbow, a playful filmic dance through a world of invisible technology. At this moment she is also exploring the boundaries towards fiction in the docu-fiction youth detective series Doofpotoperatie ; In which deaf teenagers use their disability as a unique talent to spot injustices. A series that plays with our senses, a project that explores the tension between the hearable and non-hearable.
Over the Top (2020) ; Maregrave (2017) ; Decontaminatiezone (2016) ; Eikona (2016).

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