L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
What It Takes to Make a Home

What It Takes to Make a Home

Daniel Schwartz

Canada | 2019 | 29 min
English |
Subtitles: French
What does it mean to live in the city without having a place to call home”? What role do architects play with regard to homelessness and how do we make cities into inclusive and welcoming spaces? This documentary follows a conversation between Michael Maltzan and Alexander Hagner, two architects who have thought extensively about these issues, hoping to alleviate the stigmatization of the homeless in large urban centres.
Architecture and Design Film Festival, New York City, USA (2019)
Architecture and Design Film Festival, Toronto, Canada (2019)
Architecture and Design Film Festival, Vancouver, Canada (2019)
Architecture Film Days, Budapest, Hungary (2019)
Design Week, as part of the MDW Film Festival, Melbourne, Australia (2019)

Last update in March 2020
Director Daniel Schwartz
Production Sophie Couture, Camille Lavallée Prairie, Victorine Yok-Thot Sentilhes
Artist Alexander Hagner, Michael Maltzan
Concept Giovanna Borasi
Cinematography Jonas Spriestersbach
Graphic Creation Christian Lange
Music David Drury


Daniel Schwartz

Daniel Schwartz

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