Film and music lovers are invited to discover the delightful documentary Albin de la Simone, images fantômes by director Pauline Jardel, which explores the universe of this prolific singer-songwriter, following him from the Philharmonie de Paris to his living room, passing through the countryside of his childhood. Jardel, who has collaborated with the likes of Miossec, Vanessa Paradis, Arthur H, Alain Souchon, Jean-Louis Aubert and Salif Keita, has made a name for himself on the music scene beyond France over the past twenty years, and his fragile timbre, chiselled poetry and inventive melodies have earned him an instant following. Through an intimate, often funny epic, this filmographic work authentically illustrates the questions and reflections that mark the inspiring career of this accomplished artist.
Also presented:
38th International Festival of Films on Art, Canada (2020)
38th International Festival of Films on Art, Canada (2020)
Director | Pauline Jardel |
Editing | Ludovic Vieuille |
Sound | Pauline Jardel |
Cinematography | Pauline Jardel |
Present in these collections
Pauline Jardel
After studying Foreign Languages in Strasbourg, she settles in Berlin in 1995. She works there for audiovisual productions, as a production coordinator for documentaries, news and features films. She also works as a director-assistant. Since 2003 she’s been living in Paris where she directs her own documentaries in parallel with her activity in film production.
Biographies have been provided by third parties.
Biographies have been provided by third parties.
Fauré, Baum et les autres (2018) ; L, sur son île (2018) Albin de la Simone, images fantômes (2016) ; Bertrand Belin, il était cinq heures dix (2014) ; Mais comment t’as fait, Mathieu Boogaerts? (2012)