L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
The Dadaist work Fountain by Marcel Duchamp, painter and visual artist, has been described as the most influential artwork of the 20th century. But who elevated this piece to the status of art? Speculation about a female creator comes and goes. Who was she? And what is true, or even real, in this case?

Nominated :
International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam, Netherlands (2023)
Austin international art festival, United States (2024)
Antenna Documentary Film Festival, Australia (2024)
CPH:DOX — Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival, Denmark (2024)
Overview of some festivals:
International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam, Netherlands (2023)
Austin international art festival, United States (2024)
Antenna Documentary Film Festival, Australia (2024)
CPH:dox — Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival, Denmark (2024)
Pordenone Docs Fest, Italy (2024)
Director Barbara Visser
Editing Tim Roza
Camera Meerman Gregor, Van Herwijnen Joost
Cast Judith Engel, Aljoscha Stadelmann
Sound mixing Hazen Tijn
Music Bell Laura


• Université Concordia - J.A. de Sève, LB-125, Pavillon J. W. McConnell
Sunday, march 23, 2025, 02:30 p.m. — 04:11 p.m.


Barbara Visser

Barbara Visser

Available in French only

Barbara Visser mène sa vie et son travail sous l’impulsion de la curiosité et d’une forme productive de mécontentement. Son objectif de donner un sens au monde se manifeste sous de multiples formes, allant des conversations aux spéculations, des instantanés aux longs métrages. Elle s’intéresse aux images issues de différentes époques : comment, pourquoi, quand et par qui ont-elles été produites et assemblées ? Comment le temps, le contexte et le hasard influencent-ils leur interprétation aujourd’hui ? En remettant en question l’objectivité, la mémoire et les systèmes de croyance, elle cherche à révéler ce que la normalité tend souvent à rendre invisible.

Biographical notes provided by the film production team and edited by Le FIFA’s team
The End of Fear (2018)
C.K. (2012)

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