L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Becoming Cary Grant

Becoming Cary Grant

Mark Kidel

France | 2017 | 1 h 25 min
Jouer Trailer
Becoming Cary Grant reveals a lesser known facet of Cary Grant, one of the greatest icons of golden age Hollywood cinema. Hidden behind his legendary elegance and charm is a young child perturbed by his mother’s internment at a psychiatric hospital, an event which led him to be one of the firsts to use LSD therapy. Inspired by his unpublished autobiography, this film uses first person narration and a vast amount of content filmed by the actor, offering a touching insight into his personal growth, which was filled with richness, but also chaos. Beyond the classic biography, this surprising incursion into Grant’s intimate life abounds with testimonies and unpublished archived materials, allowing us explore the meanderings of his insecurities and accompany him in his quest for his true identity.
Also presented:
36th International Festival of Films on Art, Canada (2018)
Director Mark Kidel
Script Mark Kidel, Nick Ware
Editing Cyril Leuthy
Cast Jonathan Pryce
Sound mixing Adam Wolny
Cinematographer Jean-Marie Delorme
Decoration Valérie Valéro
Music The Insects, Adrian Utley


Mark Kidel

Mark Kidel

Mark Kidel is a filmmaker, writer, and critic specializing in the arts and music who works mainly in France and the United Kingdom. His documentary portraits have featured a lot of pianists and composers. He has also made a number of films on African music, personal film essays on melancholia, architecture, and imaginary. He has written widely about music for most of the leading newspapers in the United Kingdom and he founded with Peter Gabriel WOMAD, the world music festival.
The Juilliard Experiment (2016) ; Elvis Costello: Mystery Dance (2013) ; Road Movie: A Portrait of John Adams (2013) ; Set the Piano Stool on Fire (2010) ; Soweto Strings (2007) ; A Journey with Peter Sellars (2007) ; Bill Viola: The Eye of the Heart (2003) ; Ravi Shankar: Between Two Worlds (2001) ; Naked and Famous: Tricky (1997) ; Boy Next Door: Boy George (1994) ; Rod the Mod Has Come of Age (1976) ; So You Wanna Be a Rock’n’Roll Star (1975).

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