Certain archetypal characters — soldier, psychopath, alien, robot — will forever have their place in the 7th art. These heroic figures and legendary characters belong to their own film genres: thrillers, war movies, spy movies, and science fiction. Genre films themselves adhere to unwritten rules that directors tend to follow, as well as stretching and surpassing them. “D’un genre à l’autre” is a deep dive into the evolution of genre films, setting out on the trail of these heroes of the big screen, whether intriguing, affecting, ambiguous, or repellent, via an insightful selection of films that helped shaped the history of cinema.
The Psychopath: A Life in Movies
The Soldier: A Life in Movies
The Alien: A Life in Movies
The Robot: A Life in Movies
The Psychopath: A Life in Movies
The Soldier: A Life in Movies
The Alien: A Life in Movies
The Robot: A Life in Movies
Director | Guillaume De Ginestel, Joanna Tabet, Jean-Philippe Gunet |

Guillaume De Ginestel
Guillaume de Ginestel was born in 1977. He grew up in Cameroon and then in the United States before returning to France as a teenager. After the Bac, he discovered Dramatic Art in Paris and began training in audiovisual writing at the CEEA. His first short film, La Téléformation, was produced by GREC, received the Grenoble screenplay competition prize, before being purchased, by Canal +. Since then, he has written and directed another short film in 2015, Braquage Sérénade, co-produced and broadcast by Canal +, then a medium-length film in 2017, Les Corps Purs bought by Arte and RTBF. He is currently developing several feature film projects.
Biographies have been provided by third parties.
Biographies have been provided by third parties.
Les Petits Mozarts (2019); Mysteries of the Giants (2018); Les Corps Purs (2017); Les loups de Gevaudan (2016); Braquage Sérénade (2015); Master of Dreams (2013); La Téléformation (2011); À pleins poumons (2010); The Mists of Mwanenguba (2007)
Joanna Tabet
Joanna is a writer, filmmaker and certified translator. She holds Master’s degrees from the American Film Institute Conservatory and the Sorbonne. She has written and directed documentaries for French network OCS and was a participant in several screenwriting workshops (GREC, Emergence). She has also worked as a teacher and script consultant. Made By, her first TV series, was awarded writing and development grants from the CNC.
Biographies have been provided by third parties.
Biographies have been provided by third parties.
Made By (2020); The Psychopath: A Life in Movies (2015); The Robot: A Life in Movies (2015)

Jean-Philippe Gunet
“At a time when everyone has access to information, where technology allows everyone to stand up as a witness to the news, it is so tempting to think that journalists are no longer useful. But me , I completely continue to believe in this profession. It is precisely because information is everywhere that it is more necessary than ever to have journalists capable of deciphering it, prioritizing it and giving it meaning. This is what I have always enjoyed doing with the different subjects I work on and what I want to keep doing, regardless of the medium. “
Biographies have been provided by third parties.
Biographies have been provided by third parties.
The Soldier: A Life in Movies