L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
L'angoisse du héron

World Premiere

L’angoisse du hĂ©ron

Matthieu Brouillard

Canada | 2023 | 44 min
French |
Subtitles: English
Jouer Trailer
Seated in his kitchen, the QuĂ©bĂ©cois novelist GaĂ©tan Soucy recounts the personal circumstances and dramas that propelled him to write. In parallel, unusual scenes unfold: a man records his thoughts about a deceased friend, two ​“madmen” engage in a curious duel in the common room of an old hospital… Gradually, these seemingly unrelated worlds converge to form a baroque and labyrinthine tableau that dissolves the boundaries between reality and fiction. A film as poignant as it is unsettling about friendship, mourning, legacy, artistic creation, and the mystery of existence…

In the presence of the director Matthieu Brouillard and actor Peter James on March 23, 2024 at the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montréal
Director Matthieu Brouillard
Script Matthieu Brouillard
Director of Photography Simran Dewan, Steven Turcotte
Editing Michel Giroux
Sound Patrice Leblanc
Music Bertrand Chénier

In Partnership with

Les Librairies indépendantes du Québec, coopérative (LIQ)


• Centre Canadien d’Architecture
Saturday, march 23, 2024, 05:30 p.m. — 07:15 p.m.


Matthieu Brouillard

Matthieu Brouillard

Available in French only

Depuis 2003, Matthieu Brouillard crĂ©e des sĂ©ries photographiques, des installations vidĂ©ographiques et des films oĂą il combine le documentaire et la mise en scène et rĂ©investit des aspects de la mythologies et de la tradition picturale, principalement baroque et maniĂ©riste. Son travail dĂ©peint souvent des figures masculines en situation de contrainte, de prĂ©caritĂ© et de dĂ©viation par rapport Ă  des normes esthĂ©tiques et sociales.

Biographical notes provided by the film production team
Regarding Gravity (2017)

In the same session

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