L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A

World Premiere


Anne Castelain, Alejandro Jiménez

Canada | 2022 | 16 min
French |
Subtitles: English
Jouer Trailer
As part of the creation of his next show, Le sacre de lila, Ismaël Mouaraki invites the dancers in his company, Destins Croisés, to discover his Moroccan culture, the roots of his inspiration for this new piece. We follow the creative process of dancers from Montreal, joined by dancers from Morocco. More than an artistic residency, Lila presents the meeting between men who question their sensitivity, the relationship with their male bodies, and the identity questions of a choreographer at the crossroads of several worlds.

In presence of the film crew on March 18, 2023 at the Cinéma du Musée in Montreal
Director Anne Castelain, Alejandro Jiménez
Script Anne Castelain, Alejandro Jiménez
Production Destin Croisés
Editing Emma Bertin
Camera Alejandro Jiménez
Colorization Danny Duchesneau
Choreography Ismaël Mouaraki
Cast Rodrigo Alvarenga-Bonilla, Mohamed Bouriri, Léo Coupal-Lafleur, Faissal El Assia, Soufiane Faouzi Mrani, Ayoub Hattab, Gabriel Jobin, Yassine Khyar, Mourad Koula, Etienne Léonard Benoit, Danny Morissette, Alexandre Wilhelm
Sound mixing Christian Rivest
Rehearser Annie Gagnon, Geneviève Boulet


• Cinéma du Musée - Auditorium Maxwell-Cummings
Saturday, march 18, 2023, 03:00 p.m. — 05:00 p.m.


Anne Castelain

Anne Castelain

Available in French only

Anne Castelain développe sa carrière de réalisatrice depuis 2017, année durant laquelle son court métrage documentaire Romeo circule au Québec et à l’étranger. Elle entame par la suite le développement d’un premier long métrage documentaire My love story. Depuis 2021, Anne travaille sur deux projets de courts métrages soutenus par le Conseil des Arts du Canada: l’écriture du film de fiction Les merveilles et la production de son documentaire Oujda-1945, qu’elle achèvera au printemps 2023. Intéressée par les questions du genre, l’histoire et les archives, Anne se consacre aujourd’hui au développement d’une web-série documentaire à titre d’idéatrice, scénariste et recherchiste.

Biographical notes provided by the film production team
Other films:
Enveloppe (2021)
Tropiques (2018)
Romeo (2017)
Tampons (2016)
L’air du pays (2010)
Alejandro Jiménez

Alejandro Jiménez

Montreal filmmaker of Mexican origin, Alejandro Jiménez is a two-time graduate of L’inis: Feature Writing (20182019), and Film Program — Directing (20102011). For the past ten years, he has directed numerous institutional and corporate mandates. Finalist of the SODEC Cours écrire ton court” contest (2011), he has written a dozen short fiction films presented in numerous international festivals. Fascinated by mystical universes, magical realism, rituals, female revenge and improbable encounters, his cinema is influenced by social, identity and migration themes. He is currently developing his first feature film.

Biographical notes provided by the film production team
Other films:
La fuite (2018)
Ti-gars (2015)
La neige lumineuse (2013)
Dissonance (2012)
Catatonia (2011)

In the same session

Cinéma du Musée - Auditorium Maxwell-Cummings

Saturday, march 18, 2023, 03:00 p.m.

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