L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Lobi Kuna (avant-hier / après-demain)

Lobi Kuna (avant-hier / après-demain)

Matthias De Groof

French, Lingala, Dutch |
Subtitles: English
Jouer Trailer
In the middle of a photo session in the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Belgium, a photographer is disturbed by the images captured, macabre memories, a mausoleum of his cultural heritage. Possessed by the objects in the museum, he is overwhelmed by a sense of alienation from these artefacts. This powerful and mysterious film navigates between fiction and reality, colonialism and museology, raising questions about appropriation and cultural identity. A unique and dreamlike work that takes viewers on a voyage from tradition, to modernity, to futurism.
Also presented:
37th International Festival of Films on Art, Canada (2019)
Director Matthias De Groof
Author Matthias De Groof, Mehkar Kiyoso
Editing Sebastien Demeffe
Cast Mekhar Kiyoso
Sound Pol Van Laer
Cinematography Hadewych Cocquyt, Carlo Lechea, Sam Vanmaekelbergh

Present in these collections



Matthias De Groof

Matthias De Groof

Diorama (2018) ; Palimpsest of the Africa Museum (2018) ; Jouw Patrice en Mijn Pauline : Luc Tuymans & Marlène Dumas (2016) ; Rendez-les moi (2013) ; POSSESSION (2013) ; Ceci n’est pas un documentaire sur Louvain-la-Neuve (2012) ; Jerusalem, the Adulterous Wife (2008) ; A la mode des ancêtres / les ancêtres à la mode (2008) ; GOCONGO (2006) ; L’enfant terrible (2003)

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