World-renowned for his talent, Marcel Marceau fought all his life in order to have mimodrama perceived as a true art. This incomparable artist, headmaster of an international school in Paris and founder of various theatre troupes, would however lose everything before the end of his life. His daughters Aurélia and Camille discover archived footage that their father left them, and tenderly recall memories of him. Through the forgotten pictures of the famous mime’s performances and shots of his classes, his daughters come to realize that their father’s work fed off moments of his life, whether happy or dramatic. This film retraces the steps of a man blessed with great humanity through magnificent archived footage.
Director | Benoît Sourty |
Present in these collections
Benoît Sourty
L’Affaire Schlumpf (2015) ; Rendez-vous à Roissy (2014) ; Le pont sur l’Oyapock (2011) ; Le Contesté, une épopée diplomatique (2011) ; Hervé Bize, galeriste (2009) ; De Dieppe à Dieppe (2008) ; Cigarettes russes (2007) ; Enfants clandestins (2006) ; Mécanique de la métamorphose (2005) ; Otages en France 1914⁄18 (2005) ; Sortir de l’impasse (2003).