L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Ô doux Vodou

Ô doux Vodou

Olivier A Dubois

Canada, Haiti | 2018 | 7 min
Jouer Trailer
A woman, in the grip of an evil spirit, participates in a Voodoo séance to exorcise it.
Also presented:
41st International Festival of Films on Art, Canada (2023)
Quibdó África Film Festival, Colombia (2021)
Kinomada, Canada (2021)
OFF Festival, Haiti (2020)
OKAP Film Fest, Haiti (2020)
Director Olivier A. Dubois
Director of Photography Olivier A. Dubois
Associate Producer Osséla Chéry
Camera Alexandre Bertier, Yvon Gabriel
Cast Claudine Charles, Yvon Gabriel, Ones Mentor
Sound Jean Marcaisse Belgarde
Music Roger Cournoyer


Olivier A Dubois

Olivier A Dubois

Through his unique and sometimes confusing works of experimental fiction, Olivier A Dubois upsets the rules of standard storytelling through different methods of hyper-dynamic editing, narrative transgression and magnification of his subjects. For several years, he has been directing his production towards visiting unusual universes by bringing a singular and metaphorical vision.

Biographical notes provided by the film production team
Other films:
El otro Camino (2021)
Adiós Mama (2019)
Vida de Simios (2018)
Exhumados (2018)
Te amo con locura (2017)

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