L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Rien que la vérité, toute la vérité

Rien que la vérité, toute la vérité

Manon Labrecque

Canada | 1993 | 8 min
This video is part of the FIFA Experimental section program FOCUS Manon Labrecque.
Presented only in theatres

A video instruction manuel about video.” [M. L.]
Manon Labrecque exposes and explores with humour, naivety and clearness the basic principles of video shooting. The piece is about the camera and TV monitor, framing, off-screen, closed circuit recording, performing and playing, editing, speeding, falling, moving and stopping — always between life and death. Created in 1993, this early work announces the foundations of the artist’s vision for the next thirty years.
Also presented:
Événement interuniversitaire d’Art vidéo, Public Prize, Canada (1993)
Director Manon Labrecque
Production Université De Montréal
Concept Manon Labrecque

In Partnership with


• Université Concordia - J.A. de Sève, LB-125, Pavillon J. W. McConnell
Saturday, march 23, 2024, 04:00 p.m. — 06:30 p.m.


Manon Labrecque

Manon Labrecque

Available in French only

Manon Labrecque (19652023) vivait et travaillait à Montréal. Elle possédait une formation en danse contemporaine et en arts visuels. Artiste multidisciplinaire, depuis 1991, elle réalisait des vidéos [monobandes et installations], des performances, des dessins, des photographies et des installations cinétiques et sonores.

Biographical notes provided by the distributor
Selected films:
SELFie (2015)
Double (2011)
Contagion (2008)
Silences Nomades (2002)
Hara-Kiri [exercices] (1998)

In the same session

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