L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Jonas Kaufmann, A Global Star in Private

Jonas Kaufmann, A Global Star in Private

Michael Giehmann

Germany | 2020 | 1 h 14 min
German |
Subtitles: English
Jouer Trailer
Meeting with the famous opera singer Jonas Kaufmann in his house in Bavaria. The documentary allows for a deeply emotional and very personal insight into the life of this award-winning artist, his wife Christiane Kaufmann and his children. His musical accompanist Helmut Deutsch and his musical consultant Thomas Voigt talk about his impressive career, from his first steps on the operatic stage to his worldwide fame. His good friends Judith Williams and Alexander-Klaus Stecher are also part of the documentary.
Director Michael Giehmann
Director of Photography Philipp Baben der Erde
Technician Mario Baruncic
Production Alexander-Klaus Stecher, Tim Werner
Production Manager Nicole Marburger
Executive Production Sandra Wächtershäuser
Make Up Artist Sonja Heinekind
Editing Kai Zwede
Camera Michael Binder, Stephan Bukor, Alexander Gasteiger, Nick Von Fürstenberg
Colorization Jan Hartmann
Artist Charlotte Kaufmann, Judith Williams, Alexander-Klaus Stecher, Jonas Kaufmann, Christiane Kaufmann, Helmut Deutsch
Sound Marc Parisotto, Jakob Händel
Sound mixing Nico Ebinger
Cinematography Benjamin Kriebitzsch
Concept Alexander-Klaus Stecher
Other Fernsehecke GmbH, Armin Eisenreich, Indi Herbst, Lena Hölting, Günther Knop, Inga Leschek, Mona Marcandella, Stefan Pennartz, Sascha Rustmeier, Mechtild Teschemacher, Stephanie Vendt, Thomas Voigt, Katharina Welp

In Partnership with


• Cinéma du Musée - Auditorium Maxwell-Cummings
Wednesday, march 23, 2022, 08:30 p.m. — 10:30 p.m.


Michael Giehmann

Michael Giehmann

Michael Giehmann was born on December 2nd, 1970 in Hamburg. He is known for his work on TV productions like Die Höhle der Lügen (The Cave of Liars), Ich liebe einen Promi (I love a celebrity) or Sitzheizung gibt’s nicht (There’s no heated seats).

Biographical notes provided by the film production team

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