L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Test Sequence
This film is part of the FIFA Experimental section program MANŒUVRES.
Presented only in theatres

Test Sequence is a series of images focusing on the advent of a technology once considered cutting edge but now obsolete. Humans appear occasionally in this future space from the past to push buttons or calibrate equipment. The utopia of the new coexists with the dystopia of lonely, cold spaces built to house machines. Anne Golden proposes a remix of sounds and images from the Prelinger archives that showcases technology and machines.

In presence of the director Anne Golden on March 16, 2024 at Concordia University — J.A. de Sève in Montréal
Director Anne Golden
Archive Videos Prelinger Archives
Editing Anne Golden

In Partnership with

Concordia University /  Faculty of Fine Arts


• Université Concordia - J.A. de Sève, LB-125, Pavillon J. W. McConnell
Saturday, march 16, 2024, 05:15 p.m. — 07:30 p.m.


Anne Golden

Anne Golden

Anne Golden is an independent curator and writer. Golden has participated in numerous panels on curatorial practices, independent distribution and, more recently, horror films. Golden is Artistic Director of Groupe Intervention Vidéo (GIV). She teaches in the Creative Arts Department of John Abbott College.

Biographical notes provided by the film production team

In the same session

Université Concordia - J.A. de Sève, LB-125, Pavillon J. W. McConnell

Saturday, march 16, 2024, 05:15 p.m.

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