L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
ARCHES : Tour de la Bourse

ARCHES : Tour de la Bourse

Luigi Capasso

Canada | 2022 | 4 min
French |
Subtitles: English
The ARCHES series, presented by Les Rugissants, focuses on music and architecture. This time, Les Rugissants stopped in an emblematic building of Montreal.

Designed by architect Luigi Moretti and engineer Pier Luigi Nervi, the Tour de la Bourse (English: Stock Exchange Tower) is a perfect example of the International style. 48 stories high, it embodies the modernity and economic strength of Quebec in the1960s.

Roma nun fa’ la stupida stasera”, from the musical comedy Rugantino” and interpreted by Les Rugissants, is an allegory of the desire for emancipation and the thirst for novelty of that time. Rome, in the guise of a woman who transforms herself to escape the demands of the people, symbolizes the change experienced in a Montreal that is progressing towards an undeniably secular identity.
Director Luigi Capasso
Production Manager Charles St-Onge
Artistic Direction Xavier Brossard-Ménard
Sound Recording Joel Pucci
Camera Luigi Capasso, Marion Chuniaud
Sound mixing Simon Bellefleur


Luigi Capasso

Luigi Capasso

Luigi Capasso is an Italian director and photographer living in Montreal.
After academic studies in painting and photography at the Académie des
Beaux-Arts de Naples, he moved to Canada in 2013 where he began working
as a director of photography and director for advertising.

Since 2015 he has been working on the Zoomlab project, an independent audiovisual production studio dedicated to the creation of documentary and experimental films, particularly interested in creating films about art, culture and food.

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