L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Saisons des Amériques

Saisons des Amériques

Claudine Gamache

Canada | 2022 | 1 h 23 min
Jouer Trailer
The young Canadian virtuoso Kerson Leong meets the prestigious ensemble Les Violons du Roy. Under the baton of conductor Nicolas Ellis, they perform a stunning concert pairing Philip Glass’ Violin Concerto No. 2, titled The American Four Seasons, with Piazzolla’s sublime Four Seasons of Buenos Aires in the famous arrangement for string orchestra by Leonid Desyatnikov.

— “…a unique moment of exaltation” (Le Devoir)
Director Claudine Gamache
Sound Recording Nataq Huault
Artist Nicolas Ellis, Kerson Leong, Les Violons du Roy
Technical Direction John Castillo Oruezabal

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Claudine Gamache

Claudine Gamache

A University of Georgia graduate (Doctor of Musical Arts), Claudine Gamache makes the best of her in-depth knowledge of the classical repertoire to convey each composer’s style in images. Involved with ProdCan since 2017, she has directed more than sixty concert captures with prestigious ensembles such as the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal, Orchestre symphonique de Québec, Les Violons du Roy, Opéra de Québec and the Festival international du Domaine Forget.

Biographies have been provided by third parties.
American Seasons (2022); Les Violons du Roy / Charles Richard-Hamelin : La joie retrouvée (2020); Concert-méditation (2019); Duo Lortie-Mercier plays Rachmaninov (2019); Duo Lortie-Mercier : Debussy, Ravel & Arensky (2019); Charles Richard-Hamelin / OSM: Chopin Concertos 1 – 2 (2018); Kent Nagano conducts Bartok (2018)

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