L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Subito - Instant Photography

Subito — Instant Photography

Peter Volkart

Switzerland | 2018 | 1 h 18 min
French, English, German |
Subtitles: English
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In 1947, a genius named Edwin Land invented instant photography. With a single shutter click and after just a few minutes, a moment could be immortalized. This crucial innovation opened the door to creativity to thousands of artists. Today, with the decline of analogue photography, instant photography has returned, reviving the desire to capture unique image fragments. Built in three parts around the themes of the life, death, and rebirth of the Polaroid, this inventive documentary traces the history of instant photography.
Also presented:
37th International Festival of Films on Art, Canada (2019)
Director Peter Volkart
Author Peter Volkart
Editing Stefan Kälin, Peter Volkart
Voice Katja Reinke
Sound Eliane Bertschi
Sound mixing Guido Keller
Cinematography Michelle Ettlin, Ueli Nüesch
Animation Peter Volkart
Other Ueli ( + Lab 54a) Color Correction Nüesch


Peter Volkart

Peter Volkart

After studying visual arts and filmmaking in Zurich and New York, Peter Volkart worked in television, making short films and documentaries. He has also worked as an editor and art director for various feature film projects. Since 2002 he runs a graphic design studio in Zurich specializing in motion graphics, special effects and all kinds of mixed media productions. Peter Volkart has had various exhibitions in art galleries and art museums in Switzerland and abroad.

Biographies have been provided by third parties.
Subotika — Land of Wonders (2015) ; Zimmer 606 — Room 606 (2012) ; ja ja, nein nein — yea yea, nay nay (2010) ; Monsieur Sélavy — The Way it is (2008) ; Terra Incognita (2006)

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