L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
De Sabre et de Plume

De Sabre et de Plume

Thomas Johnson

France | 2017 | 10 min
French |
Subtitles: English
East and West meet within Albert Palma, a French artist and master of martial arts. After spending 10 years in Japan practicing the way of the blade and learning katas with the utmost precision, he haunts the night in his Parisian workshop. He describes his creative process, where he endlessly tries to find the perfect movement, as looking for that one trait that will encompass all the others”. Working designs, rigorousness, and repetition allow him to attain silence, even though he affirms that the deaf do not need to be silent”. Black ink, white paper, from the chanting steel of his pen, arises a work between abstraction and figuration that invites to meditation.
Also presented:
36th International Festival of Films on Art, Canada (2018)
Director Thomas Johnson
Author Thomas Johnson
Editing Jérôme Legrand
Artist Albert Palma
Sound mixing Benoit Pimont
Cinematographer Aude Goullioud, Maya Palma
Cinematography Katell Djian, Thomas Johnson
Music Vincent Segal
Translation Damien Mac Donald


Thomas Johnson

Thomas Johnson

Born in Grenoble, Thomas Johnson started a career as a journalist and reporter for the magazine Actuel. In 1992, he started directing documentary films that are broadcasted on all major TV channels. He also wrote and directed La Bataille de Tchernobyl, awards-winning documentary (Italia Prize, BANFF, Best of Input). He is currently working on Mindscape Vision, a web-canal about humanities and arts.

Biographies have been provided by third parties.
SOS Santé pour tous (2016) ; Tapie et la République (2015) ; L’Ombre de Staline (2013) ; 30 ans de guerre au nom de Dieu (2011) ; Nucléaire en alerte (2009) ; La Bataille de Tchernobyl (2007) ; Les Derniers Jours d’Indira Gandhi (2006) ; Les Derniers Jours de Diane Fossey (2006) ; La Main et l’Esprit (2006) ; Homo Sapiens, une nouvelle histoire de l’Homme (2005) ; La Leçon des grands singes (1999).

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