L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Les Vidéographes 1 - Le théâtre de mes images

Les Vidéographes 1 — Le théâtre de mes images

Canada, France | 1 h 4 min
French, English |
Subtitles: French
Les Vidéographes – Theatre of My Images

The year 2021 marks the 50th anniversary of Le Vidéographe, a Montreal artist-run centre dedicated to research and presentation of moving image practices. The FIFA is partnering with the centre to present two programs curated by Montreal-based videomaker and filmmaker Luc Bourdon at the invitation of Le Vidéographe.

This first program, entitled Les Vidéographes – Theatre of My Images underscores the role of the selfie, the self-portrait, self-filming and the representation of the self on screen in the history and evolution of the videographic language. The stage has become the camera’s frame through which we observe the subject. Performances and confessions bring us up close and personal with the videographers, who reveal something of themselves and their imaginations on-screen. This intimate theatre, of me” and I”, here takes the form of five unique works made by five remarkable videomakers in the collection.

Luc Bourdon is one of the major figures in videography in Canada. Over more than 25 years, he has created some 50 works in various genres — documentary, fiction, experimental — many of them with arts and culture as the primary subject and history and memory as dominant themes.

Cela avait commencé par un accident — Lydie Jean-Dit-Panel. France. 2014. 9 min. French.
The transformation of Lydie Jean-Dit-Pannel, from her first tattoo, ten years ago, to today.

La petite vision — Manon Labrecque. Canada. 1994. 5 min. French.
Dogs, chairs, spaghetti. Games above the void.

Du front tout le tour de la tête — Chantal duPont. Canada. 2000. 30 min. French.
This video-diary, recorded between May 4, 1999 and February 1, 2000, is a series of self-portraits of a head in terrible states. Faced with illness, the artist carries out various rituals on her body and her head. Time passes and heals.

Joan and Stephen — Monique Moumblow. Canada. 1996. 12 min. English. French subtitles.
Joan watches her parents from an upstairs bedroom. Stephen is a lover who lives inside my video camera. I’m a voyeur, but I always wanted to be an exhibitionist.

The Coldest Day of the Year — Kim Kielhofner. Canada. 2020. 9 min. English.
The Coldest Day of the Year takes place in a future where a cataclysmic event has made it impossible to form a coherent understanding of the past, or a narrative of the present
Director Chantal DuPont, Lydie Jean-Dit-Panel, Kim Kielhofner, Manon Labrecque, Monique Moumblow

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