L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Chute libre
Chute libre (Free Fall) is Dana Gingras’s new creation for an immersive dome theatre and virtual reality. The film, a high-definition adaptation created especially for festivals of new media, is a physical experience of vertigo and transcendence, produced by the circular motion of falling bodies subject to gravity. This force flows in us, through us, and around us. The immersive experience seeks to stimulate the viewer’s senses in unexpected ways, causing surprisingly visceral and psychological sensations that give rise to a feeling of abandonment and movement through a vortex of interstitial space. Free Fall offers a temporary escape while reminding us that the pull of the earth and our finality are inescapable. It evokes curiosity and a sense of freedom by blurring the lines between human forms and their movement, and by disrupting our usual understanding of space and how our senses engage within it.
Satosphère, Canada (2019)
Jena Full Dome Festival, Allemagne (2019)
SEPA MAPS, États-Unis (2019)
MUTEK Montréal, Canada (2019)
CTM, Allemagne (2019)
Director Dana Gingras
Script Dana Gingras
Author Marie Brassard
International Sales Diversion Cinéma
Production Catherine Chagnon, Microclimat Films
Editing Josh Sherrett
Choreography Dana Gingras
Artist Olivier Lemieux, Sovann Rochon-Prom Tep, Esther Rousseau-Morin
Music Roger Tellier-Craig
Animation Josh Sherrett

Present in these collections



Dana Gingras

Dana Gingras

Dana Gingras is a choreographer, filmmaker, performer and teacher. She co-founded The Holy Body Tattoo (1993), and then with Animals of Distinction (2007), earning numerous awards and honours for its stage and film work. Her short film Chainreaction (2014), a Microclimat Films production, world premiered at TIFF. In 2016, monumental (2005), this expanded version of the piece with Godspeed You! Black Emperor playing live, has been performed as part of Luminato Festival and at the Barbican in London. In 2017, Dana received a long term residency at the Centre de Création O Vertigo (CCOV) of the Place des Arts of Montreal.

Biographical notes provided by the film production team

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