Inspiring Women

Inspiring Women
Architects of Impact
The International Festival of Films on Art (Le FIFA) recognizes the crucial importance of supporting women and non-binary people in the arts and culture industry. Our commitment to women’s development transcends the simple act of broadcasting; it forges a space for reflection, action and inspiration.
Our mission
Through our Inspiring Women initiative, we aim to strengthen the success of professionals in our industry, by addressing issues related to leadership, gender equality and inclusion. This innovative and inclusive project advances our community, while responding to a pressing need for equality in the arts and culture.
With special thanks to the members of our Inspiring Women Comittee :
Marie-Josée Lacroix
Isabelle Huiban
Elodie Marteau
Nadia K. Luong
Dominique Sirois-Rouleau
Jacinthe Brisebois
Marie Martinez
This program is made possible with our partners le Grenier, le Groupe Intervention Vidéo (GIV), and l’Association des réalisateurs et réalisatrices du Québec.

This year’s program — Wednesday March 19th
09H30 — 15H15
Workshops: Changing Perspectives to Act on World for Tomorrow
> Location : National Film Board of Canada ‑Espace ONF
> By registration only, places are limited
> Facilitated in French
> Activity intended for people who identify as women or non-binary
FIFA Connexions is organizing a day dedicated to leadership and female entrepreneurship in the arts and culture sector. The goal? To change perspectives in order to shape the future! This event aims to help each participant feel confident and fully engaged in building the world and cultural sector of tomorrow. Through workshops, discussion sessions, and networking opportunities, participants will be encouraged to reflect on and understand the challenges the cultural sector will face, draw inspiration, and become more aware of diverse perspectives. The aim is to both envision the future and position themselves in how they want to voice their opinions when facing these challenges.
15H30 — 17H00
Women’s Voices: Let’s Be Inspired, and Inspire Others!
> Location : National Film Board of Canada — Salle Alanis Obomsawin
> Open to everyone
> Tickets required
The afternoon will be devoted to a meeting with inspiring, committed and daring women, those who dare to defy established norms and take paths that are still too little explored. Women who, through their voices and their actions, shake up received ideas, transform narratives and open the way to new perspectives. Whether they are activists, artists, entrepreneurs, thinkers or leading figures in their respective fields, they all share one thing in common: they have dared to speak out, to assert themselves and to embody change.
17H00 — 19H00
Networking Cocktail: Women in Cultural Entrepreneurship
> Location : National Film Board of Canada — Espace ONF
Le FIFA invites the business and cultural communities to come together for a networking 5 à 7. It’s a unique opportunity to bring together professionals from both industries to exchange ideas, explore potential collaborations and strengthen relationships between the two communities.